Ways to Fight Cavities

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Cavities occur when people do not adequately take care of their oral health. Oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and flossing ensure that one remains healthy. In Pleasanton, people are aware of how important it is to take care of their oral health.

There are also other habits that one can put into place to reduce the chances of having cavities. While enamel is considered to be the most complex material in the human body, it is not something that cannot be destroyed. Cavities can wear it down.

Cavities are basically infectious diseases that can spread in teeth when people ignore their oral health. Furthermore, going for dental cleaning also reduces the chances of developing cavities. Almost nine out of ten adults would have a cavity at least once in their lifetime.

Bacteria that result in cavities are spreadable. When a cavity is about to form, enamel becomes weak. However, if you are able to clean the buildup from plaque or tartar, you reduce the chances of cavities, and remineralization might also occur.

However, if the demineralization process continues, cavities become more likely to form. Contact the Pleasanton dentist to get rid of cavities and ensure healthy teeth.

Why are cavities considered to be infectious diseases?

Cavities are quite common, and almost everyone develops cavities once in their lifetime. The kiss that takes place for just 10 seconds is capable of transferring millions of bacteria. Cavities have a common name called tooth decay; it occurs when the acid produced by bacteria starts to break down the enamel.

Then, they start feeding off from cavities(small holes). The main mineral that is present in your teeth is calcium. When demineralization takes place, calcium also begins to fade and break. If the process of demineralization is not stopped mid-way, the destruction will continue, and it will leave a pit in a person’s mouth.

Thus, if a tooth structure gets lost in such a way, you are less likely to get it back. Try to ensure that you get a dental checkup done every once in a while. If the hole is there, you cannot get your tooth repaired on its own. You will need to go and get dental fillings.

How can you fight off cavities?

There are various ways that can help you fight cavities and maintain good oral hygiene. Let us look at some of those ways:

●     Floss and brush every single day:

You must have been told to do so many, many times, but the emphasis will always be understated. One of the most effective ways to keep the bacteria away is brushing and flossing. People often underestimate the importance of good oral hygiene simply because they think it is not that important.

You can potentially reduce the chances of developing different dental problems if you are maintaining good oral health. Furthermore, brushing daily also ensures that you do not have bad breath. The same goes with flossing; make sure you do it.

●     Plenty of water should be taken every day:

As far as your oral health is concerned, water boosts it. As discussed earlier, bacteria produce acids that wear down enamel. When you drink a lot of water, you reduce the chances of developing oral conditions, and the acids wash away, too.

Water also increases the production of saliva in your mouth, thereby helping to get rid of excess bacteria and acids. Furthermore, saliva also helps in protecting enamel against staining.

●     Having healthier food items:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are considered to be really healthy for people. They have nutrition, and there are benefits associated with oral health. Crispy fruits such as apples or celery are really good. They help remove plaque and help with bad breath, too.

Go for a regular visit to the dentist!

Even if you are someone with oral hygiene practices, it is not possible to get rid of plaque entirely on your own. Plaque is likely to form in areas where regular brushing would not really do any good. Thus, get in touch with a dentist to get your teeth thoroughly cleaned.